
The United States' Culinary


If there are any similarities between the Brazil's culinary and the United States, is the influence of several cultures. Otherwise, the customs and the American culinary are quite different from ours. If you are planning to travel to the United States or even live there, should take this into consideration before you go.


To get started, everyone knows that the culinary there is not exactly the healthiest. Do not be alarmed when you see someone eating pancakes with bacon for breakfast, burguer and milkshake at lunch, sandwich or peanut butter for a snack. We also can not forget the desserts and sundaes with brownies, for example.


Let's check 10 typical foods of the United States

1. American Pancakes
2. Apple pie
3. Baby back ribs
4. Barbicue
5. Brownie
6. Fried chicken with mashed potatoes
7. Hamburguer
8. Hot-dog
9. Meatloaf
10. Sundae


1- American pancakes are quite different from the ones of Brazil. While Brazilian pancakes are salted, rolled and served with assorted fillings, the American ones are usually served with the famous maple syrup or honey, earning a sweet and special flavor. Some people prefer it with fruit or even bacon. These are very common for breakfast.


2- The delicacy is not typically American - It was created in Europe for many centuries - and it is successful also in southern Brazil. Still, it was so popular in everyday American population, which has become a cultural item in the country and a synonym for all that is legitimately American. It was then that arose the expression "As American as apple pie".


3- Baby back ribs are Pork ribs which are cooked and topped with barbecue sauce, used in barbecues. Usually accompanied by a serving of fries. It is believed that the dish arose at the time of the American Civil War, between 1861 and 1865. Revenues and preparation techniques change according to the region, including in relation to cuts of meat, type of monitoring and sauce ingredients.


4- The difference between their barbicue and ours is that there, the focus is more used in sauces for meat than for meat themselves. Furthermore, the flesh most commonly used is the swine. Although it is most popular in the south, there are various styles of barbecue in the entire territory of the United States.


5- The brownie was created in the United States, but the time and the region are unknown. The most popular "theories" speak of cooks who forgot to add baking powder or flour to the recipe because the cake didn't grow. Another famous story is that a housewife who one day was making a chocolate cake, forgot to put baking powder. After baking, she realized that the brownie hadn't grown, but she decided to serve it anyway.


6- It is one of the most popular dishes in the United States and is associated with the southern states. Basically it consists of pieces of deliciously seasoned and fried chicken. The success is so great, that there are networks specialized in fast-food dish. The most common accompaniment is mashed potatoes, but can also be served with boiled corn, coleslaw or American-style beans (baked beans).


7- The hamburger is a sandwich of meat (usually cooked ground beef) that may be served with various sauces and accompaniments. It is popular worldwide, but it is still recognized as a typical food of the United States. The dish arrived in the country with German immigrants from nearby Hamburg. German Americans perfected the recipe, adding the bread.


8- Typically American(US), the basic recipe for hot dog is very simple to make: just put a sausage or more in a long sloshed bread. In the United States, the preparation also includes traditional pickles based cucumber, sweet and sour sauce, ketchup and mustard. Other popular ingredients are sauerkraut and chili, a kind of mass beans with spicy ground beef.


9- It's kind of baked or smoked cake made of ground beef. Became very popular in the United States after the crash of the New York Stock Exchange, during the Great Depression. Currently, there are several kinds of recipes with various fillings and sauces.


10- The sundae is one of the most typical desserts of the US households. It is made with scoops of ice cream topped with sauce or syrup, usually caramel, chocolate or strawberry, and can be accompanied with various toppings such as peanut or nut cherries. No one knows exactly where this dessert was created, but the first documented sundae would have created about 119 years ago, an ice cream parlor in the town of Ithaca, in the United States...